Digitize your
business processes

Your part­ner for digi­tal trans­forma­tion

With a pas­sion for fu­ture-orien­ted techno­logies and tailor-made solu­tions, I sup­port your orga­niza­tion in in­crea­sing effi­cien­cy and re­mai­ning compe­titive. Find out how we can digi­tize your busi­ness pro­ces­ses and make your com­pany fit for the fu­ture – let's make your digi­tal trans­for­mation a suc­cess!

What aspects can I support you with?

Auto­mating pro­cesses

In­crease the ef­ficien­cy of your pro­cess­es with auto­mation. I ana­lyze your pro­cess­es and im­ple­ment suit­able auto­mation so­lu­tions to in­crease pro­duc­tivity.

In­spec­ting busi­ness data

Di­gi­ti­sa­tion is based on con­sis­tent, high-qua­li­ty data. To­geth­er, we check busi­ness data for com­plete­ness, up-to-date­ness as well as ac­cu­ra­cy and elim­i­nate pos­si­ble weak­ness­es.

Crea­ting inter­faces

Link your sys­tems with effi­cient inter­faces to en­sure seam­less data ex­change. I de­ve­lop and im­ple­ment in­di­vi­dual inter­face so­lu­tions for your com­pany.

Using arti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence

Use AI with real­istic ex­pec­ta­tions to opti­mize your pro­cess­es and make data-based de­ci­sions. I can help you intro­duce AI tools and inte­grate them into your exis­ting sys­tems.

Integrate the cloud

Take the ad­van­tages of the cloud to make your IT infra­struc­ture flex­ible and scal­able. I sup­port you with the mi­gra­tion and mana­ge­ment of your cloud solu­tions.

Over­coming un­certain­ties

Techno­logical change is a perma­nent pro­cess – some­times gentle and some­times harsh. We dis­cuss all the de­tails with your team, point out per­spec­tives and allay fears.

Ready to take the next step?

Do you have any ques­tions or would you like to find out more? I look for­ward to get­ting to know your indi­vi­dual chal­len­ges and offer­ing you tailor-made solu­tions. Ar­ran­ge a free and non-bind­ing ap­point­ment now!

Mailing address

Alexander Schmidt
Hallesche Str. 9
99085 Erfurt

A collage of a circuit and a heart symbolizes the love for technology

Brief­ly por­tray­ed – a look be­hind the scenes

The pas­sion for techno­logy

My en­thu­si­asm for inno­vative techno­logies dates back to the end of the 1980s – as a teen­ager I gained my first pro­gram­ming ex­peri­ence at that time and dis­covered the Inter­net in 1995 at my uni­versi­ty's data cen­ter. I quick­ly re­al­ized the im­por­tan­ce of this world and so I en­tered the world of web de­vel­op­ment as an in­tern at an on­line com­pa­ny at the end of 1999.

From enthu­siasm to pro­fession

The trainee soon became a pro­fes­sion­al and the hobby turned into a career. Ini­tially, I gained ex­perien­ce as an em­ployed pro­grammer for several years, later as a project and team leader. Along the way, I also got to know the digi­tal world from a crea­tive per­spec­tive as a copy­writer and musi­cian. The most im­por­tant thing I learned during this time was that in high-tech there is some­thing new to learn every day and good plan­ning is half the battle.

In 2005, I took the plunge into self-employ­ment, ini­tially on a part-time basis, and in 2009 I fi­nally ter­mi­na­ted my em­ploy­ment con­tract to be­come an in­de­pen­dent entre­pre­neur. During this time, I learned to think from a cus­tomer's per­spec­tive and to speak the client's lan­guage.

The path to a digi­tal fu­ture

With almost four de­cades of ex­perien­ce in digi­tal techno­logy, I en­joyed a fasci­nating progress. Today, I focus on as­sis­ting com­panies in their digi­tal trans­for­mation. Since mid-2024, I am work­ing as a con­sul­tant under the brand “Reboot Digital” and help com­panies on their way to a suc­cess­ful digi­tal future.

Alexander Schmidt, August 2024